Tag Archives: NM

One Crazy Weekend…or a Labor of Love?

A few weeks back Terry and I were talking about how we wanted to spend the upcoming Labor Day Holiday weekend. Fresh out of ideas, I turned to him for a suggestion. “Well, we could hike Wheeler Peak the long way.” He was talking about the 16 mile round trip hike that took us over

A Walk in the Sage…

Looking for a hike close to Taos one recent day, we recalled a trailhead we had seen while driving down State Highway 68, heading for Santa Fe, that seemed to be just minutes from our home. We headed out in a southerly direction on 68 and, though it too more like15-20 minutes to reach, we

A Hike Not to Be Repeated–Part 2

In my last post, I began with a description of a less-than-pleasant (read seemingly endless!) hike up Long Canyon Trail in the Taos Ski Valley, NM. When we finally reached the beautiful meadow in which we would join the Gold Hill Trail, after two and a half hours of hiking, we had already decided that

A Hike Not to Be Repeated–Part 1

In the mood for a hike one hot summer day in the vicinity of Taos, NM, we decided to head up to the Taos Ski Valley to see what we could find. We had already done the hike to Williams Lake twice in the past two months, so were looking for something a bit different.